Rhinehart X50 Disbudding Iron
Heavy-duty Rhinehart X50 calf dehorner with special Caprine 1/2" (inside) diameter tip is one of the best irons we've found for disbudding kid goats. Iron gets very hot for quick disbudding.
Heavy-duty Rhinehart X50 calf dehorner with special Caprine 3/4" diameter tip is one of the best irons we've found for disbudding kid goats. Iron gets very hot for quick disbudding. Heavy copper head retains heat so you can disbud several kids in a row. The basic head for disbudding large calves has 2 1/2" diameter. For disbudding kid goats, we attach our specially-designed 1/2" (inside) diameter Caprine tip. Dehorner can be used on Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf kids if you wait until there is sufficient horn buds. Built-in stand. Iron is 10" long with tip; 8" long 3-wire cord. CAS approved. 239 watts. 120 volts.
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