Mastering Basic Cheesemaking by Gianiclis Caldwell
Whether you are new to cheese-making, an avid do-it-yourselfer, foodie, home-steader or cheese professional, this complete course in beginning cheesemaking has everything you need to create delicious, classic cheeses.
Whether you are new to cheese-making, an avid do-it-yourselfer, foodie, home-steader or cheese professional, this complete course in beginning cheesemaking has everything you need to create delicious, classic cheeses. Topics include understanding your ingredients, tools and techniques, whipping up “instant cheeses” such as ricotta and paneer while learning basic milk chemistry, fermented dairy products such as kefir, yogurt and sour cream, using bacteria and coagulant to create spreadable and tender cheeses like quark, chevre, cream cheese and American style cottage cheese, and curdled, aged and ripened cheese—mozzarella, feta, cheddar, gouda, and parmesan. All from one of the nation’s foremost cheesemakers. Paperback, 192 pages.

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